The Scheduling Committee focuses on negotiating and improving work schedules, ensuring they are safe, and compliant with regulations and contractual limitations. They advocate for reasonable flight hours, proper rest periods, and flexibility in scheduling to accommodate flight attendants' personal needs. The committee works closely with airline management to address any scheduling-related issues and attending line build. By doing so, they aim to enhance work-life balance, reduce fatigue, and ensure that flight attendants can perform their duties effectively and safely.
You have questions, we’ve got answers!
Find your Local Scheduling contact info at the bottom this page.
Scheduling Resources
Click on the images below to find valuable resources and information.
HOW TO: Submit Monthly Bids
HOW TO: Call Me First
IROP Survival Guide
File a Ticket
Our Reserve Periods
Reserve A
Flight Attendants assigned to Reserve A must be available for notification from 0001-1000.
Reserve A will appear on your FCView or Crewline schedule as RVA.
Reserve A will appear in the monthly bid packet as R1.
Reference: (9.C.1)
Reserve B
Flight Attendants assigned to Reserve B must be available for notification from 0401-1400.
Reserve B will appear on your FCView or Crewline schedule as RVB.
Reserve B will appear in the monthly bid packet as R2.
Reference: (9.C.1)
Reserve C
Flight Attendants assigned to Reserve C must be available for notification from 0701-1700.
Reserve C will appear on your FCView or Crewline schedule as RVC.
Reserve C will appear in the monthly bid packet as R3.
Reference: (9.C.1)
Reserve D
Flight Attendants assigned to Reserve D must be available for notification from 1101-2100.
Reserve D will appear on your FCView or Crewline schedule as RVD.
Reserve B will appear in the monthly bid packet as R4.
Reference: (9.C.1)
Reserve E
Flight Attendants assigned to Reserve E must be available for notification from 1401-0000.
Reserve E will appear on your FCView or Crewline schedule as RVE.
Reserve B will appear in the monthly bid packet as R5.
Reference: (9.C.1)
Line Build
Several members of the scheduling team at line build in Ft. Lauderdale!
Still Have Questions? We Want to Help!
Find your Local Representative below!
Local 73: LAS
Local 76: DTW
Local 78: FLL