Hotels & Transportation
The Hotel and Transportation Committee is made up of members dedicated to reviewing and recommending accommodations for crew layovers, as well as addressing concerns from flight attendants regarding hotel stays or transportation services. The committee investigates complaints related to hotel facilities and transportation providers, conducting periodic inspections to ensure standards are maintained and to identify any decline in quality.
Have Feedback, or a Complaint? File it via CrewConneX!
Still need help? No problem! Scroll down to the bottom to find your Local Representatives or send us an email to your base-specific Hotel & Transportation team!
Hotel & Transportation Resources
Click on the images below to find valuable resources and information.
Hotel Etiquette
Hotel Safety
Bed Bugs: What to Do
Stay Weather Prepared
File a Ticket
Approved vs. Recommended Applications
The company has a set list of approved applications that they use for communicating information to the workgroup. These applications are specifically approved for use from the company by employees and accepted as proof of burden when you encounter any kind of violation while at work and submit screenshots or feedback via the AFA Support Center.
Although the Flight Attendant group has some pretty savvy ways of keeping up-to-date, sharing information, accessing schedules, etc., the company does not accept screenshots from most applications that you may use. Any application that you use that is not listed below should be considered not approved by the company and AFA-CWA when taking screenshots or using information to file a ticket for a possible grievance.
Approved by Spirit Airlines
Crew Central
ELP Crew Portal
Spirit Mobile App
Quick Application Facts:
CrewConneX: Within the CrewConneX application, flight attendants can track upcoming hotel reservations, provide feedback (negative or positive), and the application is monitored by Spirit Airlines, Spirit AFA-CWA, Hotel Connections, and ALPA (pilots union.) This application kills four birds with one stone (aka report) and shows all of your accurate hotel reservations. This app is the fastest and easiest way to file complaints which will yield results. Don’t have CrewConneX? Download the step-by-step guide by clicking HERE!
Crew Central: The Crew Central application allows you to check in for your pairing or ready reserve assignments, assign working positions, view the flight manifest, including special service requests, loyalty information, and seat assignments. You are also able check your personal work metrics such as attendance and reliability progressions, guest satisfaction survey results, and view your schedule.
ELP Crew Portal: Used by crew members to receive, view, and acknowledge schedule changes and to receive custom notifications from crew scheduling. The application cannot be downloaded from the Apple Store or the Google Play Store. You must use the following link and sign in using your Spirit Employee SSO credentials: Need further assistance setting up ELP Crew Portal, please view the setup guide.
Spirit Mobile App: With the Spirit Mobile app, flight attendants can easily manage all of your trips (non-rev, positive space, and deadheads) in one place. You can check-in for your flight, change seat assignments, retrieve your boarding pass, and receive flight notifications. Screenshots from the Spirit Mobile app can be used as evidence of delays or cancellations when submitting proof on the AFA Support Center.
Still Have Questions? We Want to Help!
Find your Local Representative below!
Local 73: LAS
Local 76: DTW
Local 78: FLL