About Local 74:
Dallas and Houston are great cities due to their booming economies, cultural diversity, and vibrant lifestyles. Dallas is a major hub for finance, technology, and business, with a thriving arts district, sports teams, and a rich Western heritage. Houston, the largest city in Texas, is a global leader in energy, particularly oil and gas, and boasts the Texas Medical Center, the world's largest medical complex. It's also known for its diverse food scene, space exploration history with NASA, and a strong cultural identity. Both cities offer a dynamic mix of economic opportunities, culture, and entertainment.
Meet Your Local 74 Officers
Representing Dallas & Houston, TX
David Bedene
Roxane Mendoza
In accordance with the Article VIII of the AFA-CWA Constitution & Bylaws, all Councils in Category I must nominate and elect officers for a three-year term. Elections began on October 20, 2022, and concluded on November 10, 2022. Local 74 had 273 eligible voters, 33 voters voted for a turnout of 12.09%. 26 of these voters voted online and 7 voted via phone.
Term Effective: January 1, 2023
Term Ending: December 31, 2025
Meet Your Local 74 Representatives
Working Hard for YOU!
Base Representative
Marquise Gray
Air Safety, Health, & Security
Allison "Allie" Hoyt
Peggy Iliff
Have Questions or Feedback? Email Us!
Employee Assistance, Pro. Standards, & FADAP
Gerad Elbourne
Need Help? Contact EAP Anytime!
Call Us: (800) 424-2406 or (202) 434-0560
Email Us: DFWEAP@spiritafa.com or IAHEAP@spiritafa.com
Government Affairs
Want to see how to get involved or have questions? Email Us!
Roxane Mendoza
Tim Hopkins
Sandra Davenport
Facing Disciplinary Action or Have Questions? Email Us!
Hotels & Transportation
John Getter
Jessica Boothe
Have Hotel & Transportation Feedback or Questions? Email Us
Human Rights & Equity
Shaunterria "Shauni" Cartwright
Nicolas "Niko" Oviedo
Miranda "Andy" Walters
Robert "Bobby" Kuhn
Johnny McCarthy
New Hire
Jason Smith
Marquise Gray
Dionne Estrada
Ganae Knight
Have New Hire Questions? Email Us!
Scheduling & Reserve
Olson "Rick" Santiago
Have Reserve or Scheduling Issues or Questions? Email Us!
DFWScheduling@spiritafa.com or IAH Scheduling@spiritafa.com or Reserve@spiritafa.com
Committee Information & Resources
Air Safety, Health, & Security
The Air Safety, Health, & Security Committee (ASHSC) works with the company on matters related to cabin and Flight Attendant safety and health.
The Benefits Committee works to educate and provide assistance to Flight Attendants in all matters involving benefits (including insurance, maternity, worker’s compensation, and leave of absence programs)
The Communications Committee works to maintain regular and timely communication with the membership through relevant channels including print, web, social media, and emerging platforms.
Professional Standards (EAP)
The EAP is a support service provided by Flight Attendants for Flight Attendants, their families, and partners. EAP peer representatives are trained to provide three distinct, but interrelated, service that include assessment, support, and referral services, professional standards, and critical incident response.
Government Affairs
The Government Affairs Committee’s responsibility is to monitor and pursue legislative activities that relate to the AFA-CWA political agenda and to build positive relationships with candidates for office and elected officials.
The Grievance Committee’s primary responsibility is the protection of all Flight Attendants against arbitrary and unjust disciplinary action and to uphold the collective bargaining agreement. If you receive a Notice of Investigation letter or an email from management asking for a statement, contact a grievance representative for assistance.
Hotels & Transportation
The Hotel Committee investigates Flight Attendant complaints about hotel facilities and transportation providers and periodically inspects these facilities for any decline in quality. Members of this committee survey potential facilities and attempt to eliminate or avoid any possible problems involving transportation or layover facilities.
Human Rights & Equity
Human Rights and Equity Committee is committed to providing the broadest possible representation of our members regardless of age, disability, marital status, national origin, ethnicity, race, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity and gender expression.
New Hire
The New Hire Committee consists of Flight Attendants who assist and guide New Hire Flight Attendants through their first 180 days of probation while they navigate life as a flight attendant. New Hire is a go-to resource for all things related to new hire experiences in which tools are provided to become successful while flying the line.
The reserve committee is here to help Flight Attendants interpret and understand the reserve portion of the contract and serve as a liaison between Crew Scheduling and Flight Attendants holding a reserve schedule.
The Scheduling Committee provides input to and assists the company’s Crew Planning department in the pairing construction process and assists Flight Attendants with concerns relating to pairings or scheduling.
Support Center Issues (Ticket Center)
Are you attempting to sign in to the AFA Support Center to file a ticket for a scheduling or other grievance concern? Did you fail to receive a verification email when registering for the first time?
If you have encountered issues, please reach out to your designated Local Scheduling Team as they will be the ones to assist you in the process!