Government Affairs

What Does This Committee Do?

The Government Affairs Committee’s responsibility is to monitor and pursue legislative activities that relate to the AFA-CWA political agenda and to build positive relationships with candidates for office and elected officials.

You have questions? We’ve got answers!

Government Affairs Resources

  • Demand No Stock Buybacks

    Read the article from CNBC here.

    See the official AFA-CWA press release here.

    Sign the petition now here.

  • Human Trafficking: Hidden in Plane Sight

    Within a global struggle to combat a problem of epidemic proportions, Flight Attendants can play a key role in the fight against human trafficking.

  • Call to Action: You Can't Leverage People

    The grants in the relief package provide paychecks for workers, not bailouts for airlines. These grants do one thing and one thing only: fund paychecks and benefits for two million hourly workers like flight attendants, pilots, gate agents, mechanics, the people who clean planes, cook the food, and help people through the airport. Tell Secretary Mnuchin: You Can't Leverage People!

  • Find Your Senator

    Direct your questions and comments regarding public policy issues, or legislation, should be directed to the senators from your state.

    Please be aware that as a matter of professional courtesy, many senators will acknowledge, but not respond to, a message from another senator's constituent.

  • Find Your Representative

    Also referred to as a congressman or congresswoman, each representative is elected to a two-year term serving the people of a specific congressional district. The number of voting representatives in the House is fixed by law at no more than 435, proportionally representing the population of the 50 states.

Still Have Questions?!

Find a Representative In Your Base!

Did You Know?!

The Government Affairs Committee’s responsibility is to monitor and pursue legislative activities that relate to the AFA-CWA political agenda and to build positive relationships with candidates for office and elected officials.
If this sounds interesting to you, check out the facts, duties, responsibilities, and qualifications about the committee and submit a commitment to serve!
  • The Government Affairs Committee’s responsibility is to monitor and pursue legislative activities that relate to the AFA-CWA political agenda and to build positive relationships with candidates for office and elected officials.

  • As a representative, you will:

    • Make suggestions on initiatives that could be pursued in legislative affairs and political matters at the local level to the Local Executive Council (LEC). All problems/issues shall be discussed with the LEC President and MEC Government Affairs Chairperson for coordination at the airline level, of for processing at the AFA International level.

    • Schedule and attend meetings with local elected officials and key staff.

    • Act on and follow through on directives as established in the AFA Constitution & Bylaws and FlightPAC.

    • Provide information about the FlightPAC program to Local Council Members.Coordinate enrollment for members who wish to participate.

    • Act on recommendations of the AFA Director of Government Affairs and AFA LegislativePolicy Committee.

    • Offer timely communications and reports to the LEC regarding the status of local activities.

    • Review material, handle correspondence and keep Local Council Members well informed of current legislative developments through the Communications Committee and reports at Local Council meetings.

  • Qualifications include:

    • Previous experience in government affairs work and/or political background is helpful, but not required.

    • Understanding of the political and legislative systems.

    • Up-to-date knowledge and understanding of current legislative activities and political climate.

    • Willingness to participate in political action including picketing, leafleting, and canvassing.

    • Adherence to committee policies, procedures, and standards of ethical conduct.

    • Maintenance of member-in-good-standing status.

    • Ability to remain in good standing with the company.

    • Willingness to do ongoing committee work on a volunteer basis.

    • Committee members should be registered to vote.

    • Participation in FlightPAC is encouraged.

  • The Government Affairs Committee is available to help you with:

    • Accessing information about current political and legislative activity affecting Flight Attendants.

    • Enrollment in FlightPAC, AFA’s political action committee.

  • FlightPAC is a part of CWA’s Committee on Political Education (COPE), AFA’s Political Action Committee.

    Election law prohibits labor organizations from using treasury dues to make contributions and expenditures in connection with federal elections. Dues from our members are never contributed to campaigns. Violations of campaign finance laws can result in civil penalties, therefore it is important for AFA-CWA leaders and Government Affairs Committee members to understand and observe the laws and rules which govern PAC’s and political activity.

    FlightPAC allows members the opportunity to make voluntary contributions to provide financial support to federal candidates to federal office who are committed to helping us accomplish our legislative goals.

    Visit the FlightPAC website by clicking here.

    Download the FlightPAC brochure and enrollment form here.